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ROMAN CATHOLIC INVENTIONS 2nd century (c.=century)—Presbyters first called priests by Lucian 3rd c.—Sacerdotal mass instituted by Cyprian A.D. 300—Prayers for the dead A.D. 300—Making the sign of the cross A.D. 320—Wax candles A.D. 375—Veneration of angels, dead saints, and images A.D. 394—Mass became a daily ritual A.D. 431—Beginning of exaltation of Mary, term "Mother of God" first applied to her by Council of Ephesus A.D. 500—Priests began to wear special clothing A.D. 526—Extreme Unction (Rite of Healing) A.D. 593—The doctrine of Purgatory by Gregory I A.D. 600—Latin used in worship A.D. 600—Prayers offered to Mary, dead saints, and angels A.D. 610—First man to be proclaimed Pope (Boniface III) A.D. 709—Kissing the Pope's feet A.D. 750—Temporal power of Popes, conferred by Pepin, King of the Franks A.D. 786—Veneration of cross, images, relics authorized. A.D. 850—Holy water, mixed with pinch of salt, chrism, and blessed by a priest A.D. 890—Veneration of St. Joseph A.D. 927—College of Cardinals begun A.D. 965—Baptism of bells instituted by Pope John XIII A.D. 995—Canonization of dead saints by Pope John XV A.D. 998—Fasting on Fridays and Lent 11th c.—The Mass developed gradually as a sacrifice, attendance made obligatory A.D. 1079—Celibacy of priests declared A.D. 1090—Rosary adopted (pagan) by Peter the Hermit A.D. 1184—The Inquisition instituted by Council of Verona A.D. 1190—Sale of indulgences 12th c.—Seven Sacraments, defined by Peter Lombard A.D. 1215—Transubstantiation, defined by Innocent A.D. 1215—Auricular confession (Rite of reconciliation) of sins to a priest instead of God, instituted by Innocent IIIA.D. 1220—Adoration of the Host (wafer), decreed by Pope Honorius III A.D. 1251—Scapular invented by Simon Stock of England A.D. 1414—The cup forbidden to the laity at communion by Council of Constance A.D. 1439—Purgatory proclaimed as a dogma by the Council of Florence A.D. 1545—Tradition declared of equal authority with the Bible by the council of Trent A.D. 1546—Apocryphal books added to the Bible by the Council of Trent A.D. 1560—Creed of Pope Pius IV imposed as the official creed in place of the original Apostolic Creed. A.D. 1854—Immaculate Conception of Mary (not Jesus, not virgin birth) proclaimed by Pope Pius IX A.D. 1864—Syllabus of Errors proclaimed by Pope Pius IX and ratified by the Vatican Council, condemned freedom of religion, conscience, speech, press, and scientific discoveries which are disapproved by the Roman Church; asserted the Pope's temporal authority over all civil rulers A.D. 1870—Infallibility of the Pope in matters of faith and morals proclaimed by the Vatican Council A.D. 1950—Assumption of Mary proclaimed by Pius XII "Roman Catholic Inventions" are based on a list in Dr. Loraine Boettner's book, “Roman Catholicism,” pages 7 & 8 (used by permission of the author). John Henry Cardinal Newman, in his book, "The Development of Christian Religion," admits that "temples, incense, oil lamps, votive offerings, holy water, holidays and seasons of devotion, processions, blessings of fields, sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure (of priests and monks and nuns), and images...are all of pagan origin" (p.359). Yet, we are told in Scripture that to practice these traditions is to make void the Word of God (Matthew 15:6), to worship in vain (Matthew 15:9). Also see II John 9-10. The Bible itself declares that the way of salvation is so plain that even "fools shall not err therein" (Isaias 35:8). When the blind lead the blind, both fall (Matthew 15:14). The urgent need of our day is to search the never changing Scriptures to see if what popes, cardinals, bishops, priests, ministers, and teachers tell us is the TRUTH, OR NOT. In apostolic days, this was done: "Now these were a nobler character than those of Thessalonica and they received the word with eagerness, studying the Scriptures every day to see whether these things were so" (Acts 17:11). Those who do not teach and preach the Gospel—as it is found in the Scriptures— are under the curse of God: "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel to you other than that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema!" (Galatians 1:8). Do not be deceived by false teachers (see Colossians 2:8); Test everything! (I Thessalonians 5:21). These Biblical truths are offered in a spirit of true Christian love. We ask you to consider them objectively so that with the Psalmist you can declare, "I have chosen the way of truth" (Psalm 118:30). (All Scripture quotations and references are taken from the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation of the Catholic New Testament and the Douay Version of the Old Testament.) |
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